Booking Section

This is "Booking" section of the template. Let's dive into the details of how to edit this page!

If you want to edit "Booking" section of the template, please open Zimger.sketch file using Sketch software and click on "5. Booking" page in the left "Pages" panel.

Please click on "5.0 Booking" in the layer dropdown just below the pages section and you should be able to see all the content included in the 5. Booking page.

If you want to see all the details, please view all the dropdowns inside the layer as well. Please see the screen below:

If you need minivan skill image which has appeared on the "Seat Reservation" page of this template you can buy it from Adobe stock site here:

If you need bus image which has appeared on the "Search Result" page of this template you can buy it from Adobe stock site here:

If you need bus image which has appeared on the "Navigate to bus station" page of this template you can buy it from Adobe stock site here:

If you need minivan image which has appeared on the "Search Result" page of this template you can buy it from Adobe stock site here: